Hey, its Ilyse from August Vitality and my mission is to empower both men & women to take their health back. When it comes to health “feeling normal” shouldn’t be anything less than feeling amazing. I’ve found the best way to empower is with a FREE easy to follow resource, my FREE 30 Day Gut Reboot Guide. Because it really boils down to simple yet important daily behaviors.
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1. Welcome to the 30-Day Gut Reboot with Essentials
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Sensible eating habits and moderate exercise are the keys to losing weight. What most people don't understand is that excess weight is, most often, the result of a nutritional imbalance in the body. The best way to get the weight off is by undertaking a nutritious way of eating (lifestyle) to return the body to an optimal state of health. A major by-product of being healthy, is the body ridding itself of excess fat. Our health promoting supplements will help you nourish your body, diminish your cravings, digest your foods better and reduce oxidative stress. Core recommended supplements to start off with include: acidophilus, bifidus, enzymes, our green drink mix we refer to as: WAB (Wild Algae Blend), & Coenzyme Q10.
Weight loss involves not only reducing calories and/or increasing activity, but also making sure the cleansing channels of your body are working because when you lose weight, you are breaking down fats and that needs to be removed via urine, sweat and bowel movements.
Support your body's overall detox and cleansing with algae, probiotics and digestive enzymes. The Essentials help because the enzymes help your body in breaking down and removal of fats residue, even in the blood; and probiotics help keep your BMs regular.
Algae, in particular, can help with energy and cravings that show up when you are losing weight.
The Four R's of Your 30 Day Gut Reboot
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For details on how to begin on our GUT HEALTH REBOOT, please visit the following site:
2. 30- Day Gut Reboot with Essentials - Food Breakdown
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3. 30 Day Gut Reboot with Essentials - The Side Effects of a Healthy Rebooted Gut
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4. 30 Day Gut Reboot with Essentials - Whole Food Based Recipes
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The 30-Day Gut Reboot Diet & Lifestyle Guidelines
Water Most important to any process that leads to a better state of health, is drinking enough water. Most people are slightly up to severely dehydrated. As you begin the Gut Reboot program, your body will begin to cleanse and detox. In order for this process to work well, water is essential. We recommend at least 50 ounces daily and 64 is better. A rule of thumb is to drink ½ your weight in ounces.
Example: If you weigh 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces. This may be a big increase, which can be difficult at first, so start with a minimum of 50 ounces and work up. We STRONGLY recommend you drink purified water. A faucet filter is not only less expensive than plastic bottles, it is better for our planet. Even a Pur or Britta filter is better than plastic bottled water. If you have a local spring water source, you could use that instead. Tips to make it easier to get this amount in daily:
Make green or white tea. Using loose leaf, or 2-3 bags, make ½ gallon in the morning, then store in glass quart bottles. Drink throughout the day for better absorption of the water as well as added nutrients and antioxidants from the tea.
Use a straw and drink from a cup—makes it easier to get more down at a time.
Other Beverages Coffee/carbonated drinks: Drinking coffee daily, if you have only 1-2 cups, can have some metabolic benefits. Use organic coffee if possible.
If you drink carbonated drinks, I strongly encourage you to stop them—they leach calcium from your bones and can also cause digestive issues.
NO synthetic sweeteners AT ALL!!! Far healthier options: Stevia Monkfruit (also called Lo Han) Maple Syrup Honey
Food Groups Protein: Try to eat a maximum of 3-4 ounces /meal. No more than 4 ounces of meat daily is really necessary for most people. Even as a vegetarian, if you are eating a protein-rich food, less is better. Eating smaller amounts per meal enhances assimilation, which may help increase energy. Less protein per meal is also helpful when re-establishing good bacteria in the gut.
Fats: Eating enough healthy fats is essential for brain health. Cut out ALL processed fats—these are fats from boxed or packaged foods, in general. They are toxic to your good bacteria. Add in: raw nuts and seeds; chia seeds; wild oily fish such as salmon or sardines. Virgin organic coconut oil is delicious and great for your body. Science shows that using ghee (clarified butter) offers nerve function benefits.
Vegetables: Add veggie protein sources, such as beans or quinoa. Be sure and eat a variety of vegetables, daily. They are loaded with beneficial nutrients including soluble fiber, which serves as a prebiotic food for your gut bacteria.
Eat one meal daily as a salad—mostly raw vegetables, with added protein or potatoes or rice.
Lifestyle Sleep: Get at least 8 hours a day. Rest is the #1 deficiency in Americans (other than water). If you can’t do this, take a power nap of 20-30 minutes during your day. A lot of your body’s cleaning occurs during sleep, and microbiome populations rest and grow during this time. Electronics: Keep them out of your bedroom. Minimize the hours on your computer/TV, making sure you have at least 30 minutes of quiet time before going to bed.
Dietary Recommendations It is highly recommended to, as much as you can afford, eat foods from organically grown sources. We understand this can be expensive, so if you need, prioritize as follows:
Meat and Dairy (if you eat any)
Root crops (the fungicides used on root crops are especially toxic to the gut flora)
Produce that is directly affected by pesticides, such as leafy greens, apples, etc.
Remember: If something was used to kill bugs or plants, it will likely kill off your good bacteria.
The Natural Body Cycle: When to Eat
It is helpful to eat in compliance with the body's metabolic cycle. The body normally has three different metabolic periods which cycle every 24 hours. Elimination and maintenance period: 4am to noon At this time, your cells are dumping waste products, and manufacturing and/or repairing cells. Choose foods for breakfast that support the process of elimination and maintenance. Digestive period: Noon to 8pm This is when the body's metabolism is geared towards digestion. Since digestion of foods demands a tremendous amount of energy, it makes sense to eat the biggest meal our body can digest between noon and 8pm. The earlier within this time frame, the better (I personally eat my biggest meal between 3:30 and 6pm). Assimilation period:8pm to 4am This is when the body is mobilizing nutrients and directing them to the cells. It is best to eat nothing during this time frame, with the exception of certain digestive supplements that can enhance this natural cycle.
Eating in compliance with the metabolic periods will afford more efficient digestion, assimilation & cleansing. This promotes proper healing. Meal Ideas & Examples • Buy organic foods as much as possible. • Do not use a microwave for cooking.
Breakfast • Drink one glass of water with your morning supplement packet of Essentials. • Breakfast can be fresh, or flash-frozen, fruits (your favorite) as a smoothie mixed in a blender with ground hemp or chia seeds, and nut milk, water or fresh coconut water. Or, if you find your blood sugar spikes with any fruit-only breakfast • Add sprouted cereal or toast (Ezekial) with a small amount of organic almond butter. Some people do better with complex carbs at this meal, to raise blood sugars slowly; others do best with light meals of smoothies or whole fruit. Experiment to see what type of breakfast works best for your body. What is not recommended: heavy processed and fried proteins and/or heavy processed carbohydrates, like bacon or sausages, and breads and most cereals. Whole sprouted grain breads and cereals (called “manna” or “Ezekiel”) are best.
Examples: Make oatmeal and add 1 tbs of coconut butter and 1 tbs of either peanut or almond butter. Buy frozen fruits (organic if you can), and mix ½ cup in with the oatmeal, then add honey/sweetener.
If you prefer toast, buy organic whole grain bread and use with nut butter/coconut butter. If you want cereal, I recommend Ezekial. It’s expensive but you only need ¼ cup. Mix in yogurt with it, fruit, nut butter—I don’t’ use any milk at all, just make it like this and it is yummy!
Lunch Your body works best when your biggest meal is consumed at lunch time. It also works best when lunch is the only cooked meal that you eat during the day. Many of you, however, work between 8am and 5pm, and it is very difficult, if not impossible to eat your cooked meal during the day. So, the best advice is to experiment to uncover which is the best time for you to eat your one cooked meal. This nutritional program needs to be easy to do and flexible for you.
The following food combining rules are recommended when eating your cooked meal: Eat high protein and high carbohydrates foods separately. The reason is because amylase, the enzyme that digests starch, needs an alkaline environment. Protease, which breaks down protein, requires an acid environment. Mixing proteins and starchy carbohydrates such as meat and potatoes in the same meal will result in poor digestion of both. Eating protein and starches separately allows both enzymes to function optimally.
• Protein + vegetables = yes Examples: Fish with vegetables or hard-boiled eggs with vegetables.
• Starch + vegetables = yes Examples: Brown rice or basmati rice with stir fried vegetables or avocado sandwich (breads should be from sprouted grains) or sweet yam with vegetables.
Lunch When the digestive system is not overworked, it is easier to maintain health. This is why it is very important to pay attention to the natural digestive cycle in this (your condition) natural healing program. According to the Ayurvedic system of medicine, the time of optimal digestive power is 10 am to 3 pm. Eating your biggest meal (lunch) between 12 pm and 6 pm is going to support the digestive process and not overwork it.
However, digestion also depends on the emotional and mental peace of the eating atmosphere. Therefore, some people may not feel comfortable eating the biggest meal at lunchtime (at work) and might choose to wait until returning home to a more emotionally friendly space where they feel more relaxed to eat their biggest meal. Though digestive energies may not be optimal at this time, there is some validity to this approach if one´s biggest meal after 6 pm remain moderate, relatively simple and moderate in protein. For cooking use either fresh, unheated coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter). For cold preparation, use extra virgin olive oil. Veggies are either lightly steamed or raw. For all meals, vegetables in season are best—buy at your local farmer’s market in the summer. Choose from the following lunch meals NOTE: If you prefer, you can switch the lunch and dinner menus any day you wish
Healthy Fish or seafood (such as salmon, halibut or Pacific coast oysters) and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Brown rice and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Potatoes and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Boiled eggs and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Soft raw goat cheese and mixed vegetables or lightly steamed greens
Ezekiel or Manna bread (sprouted grains) with avocado, tomato, cilantro, and/or olives
Vegetable soup and Ezekiel bread or salad
Large salad with assorted vegetables; with added raw nuts or raw cheese (raw cheese is aged cheeses or sharp cheddar). Make your own fresh salad dressing, (a vinaigrette with raw vinegar or fresh lemon juice and virgin olive oil and your favorite spices; or my favorite, a mix of raw almond butter, raw apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon, tamari sauce, maple syrup, cumin powder, garlic powder, and some fresh assortment of herbs)
Steamed green beans with boiled potatoes and a small salad
Miso soup, brown rice and steamed vegetables
Sautéed mushrooms in coconut oil with tamari sauce for taste mixed with brown rice and a small salad
Mashed potatoes using coconut milk and butter, with sautéed mushrooms in tamari sauce and a small salad
Dinner Eat your last meal of the day between 5pm and 8pm. Keep it very simple and if possible, consume only fresh/raw foods. Cleansing or detoxification takes place at night when you sleep.
Examples for dinner meals: Vegetable juice or vegetable salads with raw seeds or nuts (not salted). Steamed vegetables with a small amount of tamari sauce (a more healthy choice than soy sauce); 1 teaspoon coconut oil or ghee butter.
If you have a hunger attack late at night, eat raw foods; vegetables, fruits or seeds.
How much should I eat? You will notice that no serving quantities or sizes are given. This is because, generally, raw and nutritious foods will tend to satisfy the appetite easily, especially if the food is chewed slowly and thoroughly. Eat as much raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day as you want to.
Cooking methods Steaming, stir-fried or sautéed are the recommended methods of cooking. Use virgin (unheated) coconut oil or ghee for cooking.
Researchers at McGill University found that eating medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) like coconut oil can significantly reduce body fat, resulting in lower weight. Our recommendation is to use only coconut oil for cold or hot meal preparations. Several studies have shown that when people switch from using ordinary fats, such as corn or olive oils, to using an MCT oil like coconut oil (ghee or clarified butter is also partly MCT), they can lose up to 12 to 36 pounds a year even when total calorie consumption remains the same (Fife, p.15).
Fluid consumption Drink plenty of water, at least 8-eight ounce glasses a day. Get in the habit of packing a water bottle around with you throughout the day. Drink 30 minutes before meals and/or at least one hour after meals. Do not drink liquids with meals (interferes with proper digestion). If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, 90% of these foods is water so you don’t have to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water.
Seasonings Use a raw salt, like Celtic Salt. You can use unsalted butter (not margarine) or ghee (a clarified butter) on vegetables and potatoes after they are cooked. Tamari sauce may be used in lieu of other seasonings. Spicy seasonings such as turmeric, cumin and cinnamon are good to use as they have healing properties. Be careful about not using too much seasoning because it can cause water retention especially the overuse of Tamari sauce.
Some recommended vegetables for nightly juice:
Celery - two stalks. Celery is a safe and natural diuretic and aids in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. The sodium content will neutralize acid ash (residue of acidic foods) in the body
Parsley - 1/2 bunch. Extremely high in nutrients. An excellent cleanser and potentizer of all bodily functions
Carrots - Two med. size. Because most of the phytochemicals are located at the top part of the carrot, don't cut the top off, instead leave the that part, discarding the green shoots
Cilantro - 1/4 bunch. Has the ability to safely remove mercury, lead, cadmium and other heavy metals from the body
Kale - 2 to 3 leaves. A very nutrient rich vegetable. One of the best cancer fighting vegetables found on our planet. Kale is the richest of all leafy greens in carotenoids (powerful anti-cancer agents)
Kale's calcium content is easily assimilated, making it a wonder food for arthritis, osteoporosis, bone loss disorders and skin health
Cucumber - 1/2 cucumber. Another great diuretic (helps remove excess fluids from the body because it promotes urination). Excellent as a blood cleanser. TIP: If you burn your skin, cut a cucumber open and apply it for relief from pain
An apple, carrot or beet to sweeten your juice
You can add and alternate, in moderate amounts to your basic vegetable juice every night: 1/4 beet, some cabbage, zucchini, bok choy... etc. REMEMBER, FOCUS ON EATING TO LIVE, NOT LIVING TO EAT.
Lose weight while gaining viBRANT HEALTH:
The best way to lose weight is to: - Restore health to the body. - Allow the weight to come off naturally and in a healthy way.
The following program I help educate about..... is not a diet. It is a nutritional program and a lifestyle to keep you slim and healthy. Therefore, you don't have to deprive yourself of food. Lifestyles cannot be changed overnight. So don't expect to follow it perfectly from day one. Understand that, from time to time, you will eat the wrong foods. When this happens, don't feel guilty, just enjoy. The next day, pick up where you left off, with the right eating program. As time passes, and your body chemistry improves, you'll find that your cravings for the wrong foods will diminish. Your desire for health producing foods will grow, and this way of eating will not seem so foreign!
Timing of Eating - Natural Body Cycles
You should eat in compliance with the body's metabolic cycles. The body seems to have three different metabolic periods which cycle every 24 hours. Eating in compliance with these cycles will afford more efficient digestion, assimilation, cleansing and maintenance of the cells.
Elimination and maintenance cycle: From 4 am to noon, the cells of the body are dumping waste products, and manufacturing and/or repairing cells.
Digestive cycle: From Noon to 8 pm, the body's metabolism is geared to digestion.
Assimilation cycle: From 8 pm to 4 am, the body is sending nutrients to cells.
Since digestion of foods demands a tremendous amount of energy, it would make sense to eat the biggest meal our body can digest between noon and 8pm. The earlier within this timeframe, the better (I personally eat my biggest meal between 3 and 5pm) (Cousens, pp. 101-102).