Today we are facing a unique situation where extreme precautions are being taken to avoid illness. People are doing what they know how to do, and what the officials have advised them to do to be prepared. To learn more about DEFEND (& yes it is even better than Host Defense sold in Wholefoods! (as well as a plethora of other fungi supplements) visit these links:
Micronutrients are crucial nutrients that are required throughout life, in small quantities—sometimes even minuscule quantities. You may know micronutrients by other names such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and immune-supporting substances called phytochemicals (complex compounds found in plants). These substances play many vital roles in our lives including supporting our metabolism and fighting off free radicals in the body. In fact, even though the requirement is small, micronutrients are vital to maintaining good health and protecting your body from potential ailments. In addition, deficiencies in these vital nutrients can more often than not result in illness. With that, your body is constantly making use of these essential micronutrients making it crucial to keep up your supply. Defend was formulated to support your immune system with a combination of superfoods, including 6 species of medicinal mushrooms, organic Wild Microalgae®, and other botanicals, all filled with these invaluable micronutrients. please also visit the published articles tab and read the mushroom articles. 3rd in a series to post soon on the powerful effects of Betaglucan and our immune function. (Article on Beta Glucans by Donia Alawi, whole/wildfoods wellness educator)
Beta Glucan and Your Health Beta Glucan is a supplement that I have come to learn about only recently. It is touted as a substance that speeds up wound healing and aids with liver problems. Since my skin used to get many infected lesions of eczema during break out times and since one of the causes of eczema is a congested liver, I have incorporated this supplement in my daily regimen and have seen excellent results with its intake. What is Beta Glucan? Technically, Beta Glucan is a carbohydrate made up of a string of glucose molecules that is highly refined with the fats and proteins removed. It is possible to extract Beta Glucan from other sources, such as oats, barley and certain mushrooms, but clinical trials have shown that Beta Glucan from baker’s yeast is the most effective of these in activating and supporting the immune response. Beta Glucan Creates Overall Health How does Beta Glucan help with our health? It all starts with the macrophage, a type of white blood cell that functions as a patrol cell and engulfs and kills foreign infectious invaders. Specialized versions of macrophages are found in almost every area of the body. Macrophages that are found in all parts of the skin are called “Langerhans” cells. They’re also referred to also as dendritic macrophages because dendrites - the spider web-like tentacles that emanate out of them - literally permeate throughout the body, almost like an intricate spider web or latticework, patrolling and engulfing foreign invaders. These tentacles serve as a source for where the macrophage's receptors can be stimulated. So when you take Beta Glucan it stimulates or activates these Langerhans cells. So, by taking Beta Glucan you are improving the ability of the immune cells to do their work in the body; therefore, leading to healthier you and enhanced healing. What is the Mechanism by Which Beta Glucan can Support Your Health? Human cells "stick together" because of a substance called collagen. It's the "glue" that binds the cells. When our body is faced with the sum total of all daily insults from chemicals, poor diet, etc., cells die. If our immune system is healthy, these dead cells are "unglued" from the collagen by an enzyme released from the macrophage, called collagenase. Then the phagocytes come in and "gobble up" the debris. This gives room for a new cells to grow in its place. When the immune system is functioning properly, the dead and damaged tissue is removed, there is rapid healing, and the result is a repaired area. The key to all this, again, is the healthy functioning of the macrophage. And one key substance to supporting the macrophage is Beta Glucan. Beta Glucan also reduces harmful bacteria. The intake of Beta Glucan reduces immune stress by improving the recognition capabilities of immune cells. Research indicates that Beta Glucan surrounds foreign molecules that invade us and processes them out by metabolizing them. Beta Glucan naturally favors a non-inflammatory route of immunity because it cultivates more spontaneous recognition of intruders so that they are more quickly metabolized and eliminated before they can do any harm. How to Take Beta Glucan Start by taking one capsule on an empty stomach. Wait one hour before eating. Eventually increase to 2 a day until complete healing occurs. Maintenance is one capsule a day. Wishing you extraordinary health, Donia Organics USA, Inc. AFA offers a complete amino acid profile, including all the essential amino acids. Blue green algae is the only plant on the planet to offer all essential amino acids; and AFA is the ONLY blue green algae that offers the essential amino acids in a near-perfect balance to the ideal human profile, as determined by the Food & Nutrition Council.
Minerals and trace elements are absolutely essential to life. They conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses that tell the heart to pump, instruct muscles to move, signal the brain to communicate and aid cells in nutrient absorption, repair and rejuvenation. Without minerals, amino acids and enzymes don’t function properly, so vitamins and other nutrients aren’t broken down or absorbed. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), deficiencies of minerals in adults are reaching an all-time high. This is due in part to our overly processed diet. This problem is compounded by an agricultural system that has boosted crop yield at the cost of important micronutrients complexes in our soil. This results in foods with lower nutrient values than we had a half century ago. NHANES data states that 40 percent of Americans are not getting adequate levels of important minerals. There is a pretty strong correlation that these insufficiencies or all-out deficiencies are tied to rising rates of health issues ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer and thyroid problems. What is most important to realize is that mineral deficiencies are the root causes of many of our current health challenges. Basically, minerals are required to process everything we eat, drink and breathe. According to Darrin Starkey, N.D., “People don’t understand that we lose between two and five cups of moisture a day just by breathing. So there is a steady pull on our mineral balance if we aren’t replenishing what we lose. Our bodies will rob the minerals from body tissues and bone to maintain appropriate levels,” he explained. “So just by living, if you are not replenishing that balance daily you may find yourself deficient.” As a single example of how deadly this is, the prevailing thought is that about 75 percent of adults are deficient in magnesium—which regulates heart health, blood health and muscle function. More focus on the importance of balance in minerals is needed, according to nutritionists. One single mineral won’t make you healthy. The answer for minerals may be in getting back to the basics of nutrition. Even when consumers are eating a raw food or organic diet, it more than likely is not being grown in nutrient-rich soil. Even ‘good’ water has been stripped of minerals unless it is spring water. We need to recognize that most of our mineral sources have been stripped away from our diets. MINERALS AND AFA ALGAE AFA algae is one of the most mineral-rich and mineral-diverse lifeforms on our planet. You get every micromineral your body needs, naturally chelated and ready to use. Minerals are one of the most important nutrients our Body and Mind products give your health! Bottom line: the most bioavailable form of minerals are found in plants (and algae). They are uptaken by plants as inorganic material from the soil or water, then are turned into organic, plant-bound minerals. As the plant grows, other co-factors, such as enzymes and phytonutrients, are created. Minerals and Form Minerals exist in both organic and inorganic forms. Only the organic form offers health activity in the body. Minerals in their inorganic—i.e., in rock form—will not be absorbed by the body and may cause stomach upset when taken. Bioavailability of minerals has long been an issue in using mineral supplements. Best is to review the content of the algae: As a health and nutrition researcher and educator, I believe that the best approach to health is to work with whole foods not man-made supplements. Simply put, ”The quality of our health reflects in large measure the quality of the foods we eat and the water we drink, from which our bodies are made.”
My health philosophy is based on the fact that the human body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair, and defend itself when given natural, high quality, full spectrum nutrients. The result of this philosophy is to depend on whole food products from natural and organically grown foods to enhance the quality of your body performances (physical, mental, and emotional). I work with a specific health model that supports the following in order to strengthen the immune system: 1. Better digestion and assimilation of foods. 2. Better nutrition through whole food. 3. Better protection against free radical damage through whole food antioxidants. Please read the following article in order to learn more about the Nutritional Health Model I work with. Let me know if you have an interest or have questions. Natural Healing and Supplements Can you depend 100% on an improved diet as the only natural remedy for reversing a degenerative condition and strengthening your immune system? The answer would probably be yes if we lived decades ago in an environment where the soil was rich with mineral sediments and as a result the plants were enabled to produce their own nutrient richness from their primary growth medium (soil). The best way to get both minerals and vitamins is from food. But foods today seldom contain enough essential minerals and vitamins, because our farmland has been ruined. It only takes ten years of intensive modern farming methodology to exhaust the minerals in any tract of land. Agricultural land is typically fertilized with only potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.. Unfortunately, many other essential minerals such as molybdenum, manganese, magnesium and zinc are not replenished. Even organically grown food may not contain all the minerals that plants need to develop full nutrient richness because, most often, the minerals are not put back into the soil along with the organic matter. The solution is to supplement your body with nutrient rich foods. Between improving your diet by eating more fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables and the supplements that will be discussed in these pages, you have an unbeatable diet and supplement program to help any degenerative condition and bring back the kind of health and vitality that you have always dreamed of. A Health Model That Makes Sense There is a new medical discipline called Nutritional Medicine being practiced today by holistic doctors outlining how to address health challenges. Many of the books written by nutritional medicine doctors present information as to why degenerative conditions occur and logical step by step solutions to such conditions through the use of diet and supplements. Thousands of people have followed the Nutritional Medicine health model and as a result, they are experiencing health and vitality. I will share with you in the next few pages what I have learned from these doctors. Nutritional Medicine The Nutritional Medicine principles support the following: 1) better digestion and assimilation of foods through the use of probiotics and enzymes; 2) better nutrition through nutrient rich food supplements and; 3) increased protection against free radical damage (oxidative stress) through whole food antioxidants. Tens of thousands of people have used this health model to help themselves from many chronic degenerative conditions. Additionally, many of the studies and books written by Nutritional Medicine doctors give us the scientific reasons behind why this specific health model and the supplements used have helped with a wide variety of health-related conditions. Today there is a very large number of alternative, allopathic and naturopathic doctors practicing the Nutritional Medicine approach to health. What Is Nutritional Medicine? Nutritional Medical physicians believe that most degenerative conditions have their origin in the malfunction of the digestive tract and the liver’s elimination processes. In other words, illness can be directly related to problems of the digestive and liver detoxification systems and their related influence on immune, nervous and endocrine system functions. Therefore, when the health of the digestive and liver detoxification systems is addressed, the body is given the opportunity to reverse many degenerative conditions. If the degenerative condition is labeled lupus, diabetes, or eczema, etc., a Nutritional Medicine doctor will first recommend addressing the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Once the GI tract is normalized, then the liver detoxification system should be supported and strengthened. Today, through the efforts of Nutritional Medicine doctors, we have hundreds of clinical studies and scientific research that confirm what many of us have heard so often from folk medicine practitioners: “Stomach problems are the cause of all ills” or “Death begins in the colon.” Jeffrey Anderson, M.D., wrote an article called “How Problems with Digestion Can Cause Illness Anywhere”, and in this article he explains why you should address the health of the gastrointestinal tract first, no matter what the name of the degenerative condition. He explains that “new information on the dynamics of the body make it clear that conditions in the digestive tract affect the entire system” (Nichols, et al., 1999, p.125). The “...degradation of the gastrointestinal environment is one of the primary points at which health is lost. What we now know is that the same toxins associated with GI dysfunction are frequently absorbed and distributed to other parts of the body. First they place a burden on the liver and the immune system. If liver overload occurs, there will be spill over, and some of the toxins will be passed on to other organs or tissues” (p. 125). “Often, it’s a weak link in the system that will be hit by the damage - an organ that can be anywhere in the body that is most likely to be vulnerable. The vulnerability may be inherited, caused by physical injury, toxic exposure, or poor diet” (p.125). For example, “if the sensitive system is the lungs, toxins that originate in the gut and circulate in the bloodstream may manifest as asthma or allergies” (p.125). Len Saputo, M.D., in his article,”Harmful Flora”, also believes that if the gastrointestinal tract goes out of balance and the liver detoxification system breaks down, our entire immune system can malfunction in three ways. First, it can be weakened and the result called an immune suppression disease (cancer and AIDS). Second, it can overreact and become hyper responsive to normal stimuli; this occurs in asthma, eczema, migraine, and food allergies. Third, a malfunctioning immune system can cause auto immune reactions, where antibodies target our own tissues, as in rheumatoid arthritis or lupus (p.60). Jerry Stine, M.D., in his article, “How Digestion Works”, explains that the gastrointestinal tract is the largest immune organ in our body. Eighty percent of all our protective immune globulins are produced in the digestive tract (p.16). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that when this large, strategically placed immune system member isn’t working well, our defenses are lowered and once our barriers are down, it becomes more difficult to defend against invaders. Nutritional Medicine Strategies to Help with Degenerative Conditions: Nutritional Medicine doctors including, Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Dr. Len Saputo and Dr. Jerry Stine, believe that cleansing and supporting the GI tract and the liver can and will clear the body of any and most degenerative conditions. • First you detoxify the GI tract. • Then get the liver detoxification system working. • And finally clean up the downstream consequences, which includes the toxins in the tissues and cells. Nutritional Medicine doctors believe that you can’t deal with the downstream conditions (symptoms in the body such as lupus, arthritis, eczema,....etc.), until you’ve treated the upstream problem(s) in the gut and liver (p.132). When you clean up the upstream issues and the liver, then the downstream consequences tend to go away. Nutritional Medicine Solution as an Aid to Most Degenerative Conditions. The 4Rs Solution: 1) Remove: Abnormal kinds/amounts of intestinal microorganisms (parasites, bacterial pathogens, small intestinal overgrowth such as yeast, and food antigens). This can be done by repairing “leaky” intestinal membranes. 2) Replace: Hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and fiber deficiency can be addressed and replaced with friendly bacteria, digestive enzymes and fiber supplements. 3) Restore: Symbiotic bacteria and GI bacteria through the use of full spectrum friendly bacteria (L. acidophilus, B. bifidus, L. planetarium, L. salivarius, L. bulgaricus, etc.). 4) Repair: Replace or augment with nutrients necessary to support healing of intestinal lining, plus adequacy of calories, and adequacy of fiber. Support the liver detoxification system through the use of antioxidants and food based nutritional supplements (pp. 181-182). The Difference is in the Quality Of The Nutritional Supplements: There are a multitude of allopathic and naturopathic doctors practicing Nutritional Medicine today, and they recommend supporting better digestion, better nutrition, and better protection against oxidative stress. However, when it comes to supplements, most Nutritional Medicine doctors recommend standard man-made supplements in their isolated, single, separated or chemically-manufactured form, such as zinc, copper, vitamins B, C, E and beta carotene, to reverse degenerative conditions. Vitamins and minerals should not be taken in single and chemically-manufactured forms. For example, Vitamins are intricate, interrelated, integrated, united organic nutritive groups. Nature made them as an indistinguishable part of foods for the benefit of human health. Vitamins are inseparable as working nutrients from trace elements, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. Chemists have attempted to isolate and identify some of the components of these food complexes, labeling the seemingly “active” elements as vitamins or other nutrients. Yet, there is no possible way that even the sum of the parts is equal to the whole. It is only the whole food, intact and unaltered, that works as a nutritional source. The isolated parts are not recognized by the body as foods. In large amounts, these isolated chemicals function more like drugs, which stimulate or suppress biochemical functions, instead of providing nourishment for the cells to carry on their vital activities. Natural, food-source vitamins are enzymatically alive. Man-made, synthetic vitamins are dead chemicals. Human health requires “live” biochemicals. It is simply a matter of chemistry versus biochemistry. I believe that nutritional medicine doctors are “right on the money” when it comes to explaining why degenerative conditions occur, but when it comes to the solution which is their supplement program, they are mainly providing the typical man-made and chemically-manufactured supplements. Many of us prefer the use of whole food supplements based on the philosophy that “Food is the best medicine.” Searching for the Ultimate Whole Food Supplements: There are certainly better alternatives than man-made supplements; i.e. organic whole food supplements. Whole food supplements are far superior in their quality and effectiveness for reversing degenerative conditions because they are produced in their natural and complex configuration. Why whole food products work better is based on the philosophy that the human body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair, and defend itself when given natural, high quality, full spectrum nutrients. Not too many companies produce high quality whole foods supplements. However, the few companies that do produce good quality whole food supplements believe in preserving the quality of their supplements from the time the foods are harvested to the time they are introduced to the public as supplements. Hundreds of thousands of people have been helped with our whole food products. This should not be a surprise to anyone because when it comes to healing the body, there is nothing more powerful than supplementing with whole foods, especially if they are organically grown. If your goal is to find a natural remedy for your health challenge, may I recommend that you follow this health model which is the same as the Nutritional Medicine health model with the exception that I recommend the use of wholefoods and not man-made supplements: 1. Better digestion and assimilation of foods through the use of probiotics and enzyme supplements. 2. Better nutrition through food-based supplements (consuming nutrient rich foods such as wheat grass, bee pollen, blue green algae...etc.). 3. Better protection against free radical damage (oxidative stress) through whole food supplements (wheat sprouts, red algae, wheat grass..etc.). With the use of whole food supplements you can improve the GI tract environment, decrease the burden of the toxins and thereby take the stress off the liver. With less toxins there is less need for a constant high level defense effort and everything in the body just starts to work better. Dr. Jeffrey Anderson summarizes the whole concept of healing so beautifully when he said: “you can’t deal with the downstream problems (symptoms in the body) until you have addressed the upstream problem(s) (i.e., malfunctions in the gut)” (p. 132). References: Nichols, Trent W., and Faass, Nancy. (1999). Optimal Digestion. New York: Avon Books, Inc. Wishing you extraordinary health, Ilyse August New Earth Life Sciences, Inc. 561-701-5088 "Food is Your Best Medicine." High Quality Whole Food Supplements & Personal Care for the Health of Humans & Pets ![]() Nutrients are best utilized by the body if they are in their whole food & enzymatically alive/active state. Therefore whole food concentrates are the best solution to address nutrient deficiencies. Isolated inorganic minerals no matter how the product claims to be assimilable. Nature has an intelligence and each wholefood in the product line I passionately educate about contains nutrients which benefit and work with every other nutrient contained within that food, which makes the whole more beneficial for the body than the sum of its parts. The QC is not what it originally was for the Garden of Life (GOL) brand & many others prior to each of their mergers/acquisitions. GOL for example went FYI from 10 to over 100 products within a 4 year time frame! The QC is not what it originally was. The vast majority of vitamins are isolated supplements; NONE of the products I recommend are synthetic, and this is huge. A vitamin is allowed to be called “NATURAL” as long as it “Matches” on a chemical level, some nutrient. This means it can be wholly synthesized from non food ingredients. And another thing—some whole food supplements are all marketing and not truths because they’re also allowed to label as whole foods The whole food products I recommend have from one whole food to no more than 10 foods in each product and these foods are from the same food groups like different mushrooms, different sprouts or different algae in separate whole food supplements. Here’s an example of an algae whole food product called Wild Earth:
Cultured whole food vitamins: The reason is that the ingredients are not made from real foods. The way they produce such vitamins is as follows: They combine a synthesized vitamin with a plant in which the vitamin can grow and they introduce growth agents (sugars) as well as specific peptides. This way they can create "cultured whole food" vitamins. It is more affordable and more concentrated than normal vitamins in real foods. To me this is not real foods from nature. These are lab made foods. I prefer whole food supplements from real foods that are simply dehydrated at low temperature. Yes, they are more expensive but these supplements at least are from real foods not lab made vitamins.
The products I recommend are pure whole foods. Whole food supplements means that the products contain real whole foods, which are dried at low temperatures and minimally processed in order to retain the integrity of the micronutrients they contain. New Earth, the manufacturer of the line of products I recommend operates with the philosophy that nature has an intelligence and each whole food contains nutrients which benefit and work with every other nutrient contained within that food, which makes the whole more beneficial for the body than the sum of its parts. NATURE is the intelligence for our health; Nothing Mimics the intelligence of nature as nature itself! The products are vastly different than the majority of vitamins or isolated supplements on the market shelves. First, none of the products I recommend are synthetic, and this is huge. A vitamin is allowed to be called, "natural" as long as it matches, on a chemical level, some nutrient. This means it can be wholly synthesized from non-food ingredients. A great example is vitamin C. In nature, it is always contained in a food that also has a complete complex of C vitamins as well as rutin or bioflavonoids. In synthesized or isolated form, it is almost completely unusable by the body. Most all of the vitamin C sold in the market today are made from ascorbic acid which is synthetically produced from corn sugar (glucose). NO lab formula can mimic the myriad of nutrients and interactions found in whole foods, especially the ancient foods upon which life as we know it is derived. A whole Foods Formula nourishes and stimulates your brain. Fuel your cells for an unparalleled health advantage for the innate intelligence of your immune system to function at its optimal ability/level. One more thing, this is a response I sent to one of my clients considering Garden of Life multi product: The ingredients are not made from real foods. The way they produce such vitamins is as follows: They combine a synthesized vitamin with a plant in which the vitamin can grow and they introduce growth agents (sugars) as well as specific peptides. This way they can create "cultured whole food" vitamins. It is more affordable and more concentrated than normal vitamins in real foods. Here’s what Judith DeCava, MS say about manufacturing vitamins in labs. “…food supplements are produced by adding isolated chemical nutrients to a liquid broth containing yeast. The chemicals are incorporated into the yeast as it grows. Then the yeast is dried and the residue is pressed into tablets along with herbs, dried foods, and other common manufacturing substances. The yeast-bound nutrients are no different than fractionated chemical supplements, with perhaps better absorption. The concept is still pharmacological—one could just as easily place aspirin or antibiotic in growing yeast and produce a drug-food”. To me this is not real foods from nature. These are lab made foods. I prefer whole food supplements from real foods that are simply dehydrated at low temperature. Yes, they are more expensive but these supplements at least are from real foods not lab made vitamins. I like the simplicity of just one nutrient rich food like the organic microalgae. When your digestive system is dysfunctional, putting 30+ ingredients in the gut of different lab made foods is too much to process. Keep in mind….even one of the ‘better’ lines out there doesn't have enzymes, algae, mushrooms and antioxidants like earth (baby sprouts) and co-EnzymeQ10. All are very important for healing and keeping the body in the best shape. I consider New Earth to be the only company in the world that has everything you need to heal in one company; Nutrigenomics at its best!.” Mushroom BlogsCheck out these mushroom blogs -
Algae BlogsCheck out these New Earth blogs for more information on why micro algae is the superior blue-green algae (lowest on the plant kingdom food chain)
AugustVitality Blog Posts
April 2023
CategoriesIlyse AugustI've always been super passionate about helping others with their wellness and fitness. Rather than "finding myself," I finally created a path by paying attention to my purpose, and allowing my passions to fuel my purpose which is to help YOU define clarity for your own path to optimal cellular health. Click the black button below to view the New Earth Nourish Blog, or click the white buttons below to see specific posts I recommend reading.
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